Sunday 3 August 2014

Week 1 - Sunday 03 Aug – Swimming – The bright side

Okay time for a bit of stock taking and a bit of positive mental attitude.
Heres a list of pluses:
  • It’s better to have a light week and get over an injury than have a bigger injury and miss H&B.
  • I’d liked to have stuck to the schedule I worked out but I had been thinking there wasn’t enough upper body work in it. So I’ll put me thinking cap on and work something out for the week ahead.
  • I’m extremely fortunate that I can call on an expert to give me injury advice.
  • I still have 6 weeks to train.

I just realised I hadn’t mentioned how the pool session today went.

I decided to do 40 lengths of water walking rather than swimming strokes to simulate running through mud. This worked out really well, I got a great pace up and could really feel me calves and ankles being targeted in a way that all the other exercises didn’t.

I didn’t feel sore afterwards because I was in water and more importantly I don’t think it affected me knee adversely. Maybe this is a leg workout I can do instead of running.

Me daughter kept up with me the whole way, she was doing shorter lengths because she’s too short to walk to the end of the pool. She’s only 12 so it was a great achievement, well done sweetheart. Unfortunately me other daughter was laid up with a stomach bug so we had to leave her at home.

I’ll talk later about these two amazing girls and how they're miles ahead of me in fitness than I was when I was their age (I’m acutely aware I’ll probably be the only person who will ever read this so I’m not really sure who I’m talking to here, but you never know).

Feeling a bit more positive about week 2 than I was earlier.

Week 1 - Sunday 03 Aug – Swimming-More

I’m really bummed out as I write this.

I went swimming today. Me leg still felt funny but more localised to the knee now. I was sitting on the edge and me daughter noticed me knee was really swollen compared to the other one.
How did I not notice that, or maybe I just didn’t want to admit it. 

I called me ex wife (she runs her own sports therapy clinic) and asked her about it. Obviously she couldn’t diagnose over the phone but she told me what I knew but didn’t want to hear, I couldn’t run for at least a week. Or rather if I did I was risking a much worse injury.

I’m feeling pretty low. So this is what hubris feels like – foolish pride. I’ve never accomplished anything of note before to be proud enough to be brought down.

Week 1 - Sunday 03 Aug – Swimming

Disaster…… more to follow.

Week 1 - Saturday 02 Aug – Restday

Restday – yesssss!

I was really looking forward to this. Me body was so sore after Thursday then yesterdays run just made it more so. I was sitting in the pub last night and I had to brace meself each time I wanted to get out of me chair. It got easier later on because y’know –alcohol.

I’ve been concentrating on the miracle run yesterday and trying to figure out how to replicate it. The best I can come up with is I need to be able to switch off me brain and let the body do what it’s been taught to do, looking forward to putting it to the test on Monday’s run.

I’m a little bit concerned when I squatted down to pick something up one of me legs felt funny at the knee. I’ve only ever had one slight injury before from training. An injury would be a disaster for me doing H&B which I haven’t even contemplated.

Tomorrow is swimming so at least that’s easier on the body. I had an idea about tomorrows swim. Instead of doing straight laps of the pool I’d walk up and down like I’ve seen the Dublin players doing after training. I reckon this will quite nicely simulate running through mud. I might be over planning here but I think, I think I remember someone saying there was a wee bit of muck on the H&B course :)

Week 1 - Friday 01 Aug – Running

Tough, tough session today, but something truly magical happened.

10k run today, I was looking forward to it, had a great route planned and the head was in the right place. I was a bit sore from yesterday but not too worried.

When meself and Al started I realised there could be a problem. Me legs were incredibly tired and tender, by the end of the warmup 2k at the start of Santry park I felt I could do it though so we went ahead with the dynamic stretches and form drills.

By the time we got running proper I was feeling a bit better, but this run was two laps of the park (about 6k) and then back to work (2K). On the first lap the pace was high but we could still talk to each other albeit slightly breathlessly. Al was recording us with the mapmyrun app and by the second lap he determined we needed to step it up if we wanted to be under an hour. By this time I was wondering if I could do it and was really struggling.

Once again Al came to the rescue and kept me spirits up. I kept going in peaks and troughs and he hit on the idea of swapping paces. I’d follow no more than 5 paces behind him at a hard pace and then we’d switch to my comfortable jogging pace for a while. This worked quite well.

A thing I’d promised meself on this run was never to pass up a hill. There is an artificial mound in Santry park about 7 metres high but really steep. First time round we attacked it. I had noticed a different hill on the first lap, more of a mound of earth left over from building really. It didn’t look very steep or high but I didn’t want to miss out on it on the second lap.

We sped up it but by the time I got to the top me legs just stopped. I literally had to shout at them to get them moving again. I really wanted to get this done but I had the awful fear I’d have to contemplate giving up.

And then the magic happened.

As we were motoring along Al knew how much I was struggling (he’d had a rest day the day before which helped him a lot, his words not mine) and he really kept me going. There’s one stretch about 120 metres long which is a gentle but constantly rising slope. He said we need to step it up if we want to make the hour (we also had to get back to work, this was our lunch break after all). So with his encouragement the legs started pumping and I loped up the hill at a great pace, with the promise that we could jog a while at the top.

I was so pleased with meself and on such a high that I felt invincible. We had a bout a quarter of the park to go so I knew I could do it now. The big 7 metre artificial mound was coming up and I was ready for it. I suggested we jumped that and then strided as quick as possible to the park entrance about 200 metres away. We both secretly knew it was bravado and I couldn’t keep that up.

And then even better magic happened.

We jumped up the hill which I knew I could, it’s steeper than a staircase but the trick is you rest/jog at the top then down again. What happened next I’m still trying to make sense of. We bounded down the hill and I was off. For the first time ever Al couldn’t catch me no matter how hard he tried (and this is a fella with a limitless gas tank for this type of thing) . I know it sounds like shameless bragging but this is what he told me himself after.

I needed to be told this after the fact because to be honest I’m not quite sure where I went. All I know is me breathing became like a metronome, me legs went whirling along one in front of the other with no input from me brain and me brain just ….sorta...switched off…or went somewhere else.

I was literally lost in the moment. The next thing I knew we were at the gate. It was literally the best moment I’ve ever had running and I’ve been going over it in me mind and trying to figure out how I can recapture the feeling next time I run.

After a fairly relaxing, but still high pace back to work I foolishly suggested a sprint for the last 100 metres. Al left me for dust, order is now restored!

Week 1 - Thursday 31 Jul – Sprints

A few weeks ago Henry was off so me and Al went on an unsupervised run. All discipline went straight out the window, we didn’t do a proper warm up and no form drills or stretches. We went straight into sprinting the length of a field in the park. The idea was sprint down jog back ten times. I measure in later on Google maps (I hadn’t discovered the treasure trove of then) and it worked out as 100 metres even. So we sprinted a kilometre and jogged a kilometre.

It was such a good session I knew I had to incorporate it into the H&B plan but in keeping with pillar 2 I had to make it 25% harder at the start.

To do this I took a tip from one of the DCU trainers who delights in attacking the legs in class. I reasoned your leg muscles are barking at you at the end of the sprint, what if they were barking before the sprint even started?

I landed on the idea of doing a set of ten reps of exercises and then launch straight into the sprint. So I’d do 10 squat jumps and then leg it down the field, the jog back would be recovery time to get the breath back to normal then straight in again when I got to the top of the field.
I gave me legs one concession which, in hindsight was wise. Each alternating set would be core and not leg exercise. So jump squats x 10, sprint, crunches x 10, sprint etc.

As I was sprinting I sometimes felt I wasn’t pushing meself as hard as I could (no Al to set the punishing pace you see), when I felt like that I did seem to add an extra burst. When I finished I felt pretty good so I had the nagging doubt I didn’t push meself as hard as I should. Not so, when I went to jog back to the Sport centre for me Tabata I could barely move me legs?
I still decided to do an 8 minute core session instead of 4 so pretty good I thought.

I should add I had an unscheduled break in the middle when two dogs chased me. Proper little yappy bastard type dogs they were. The owner and her friend were very sorry so I popped over to them to show them there were no hard feelings and also to rub the dogs because I didn’t want this to keep up. The dogs were having none of it and as I jogged back for lap 5 they were yapping at me heels again. I let them get close then turned and jumped at them barking as loud as I could. The dogs made a sound I can only describe as Hwooourghh??? And legged it back, the two girls and meself were pissing ourselves laughing but it sorted the problem.